CHICAGO (CBS) -- The Chicago Teachers Union on Wednesday discussed their next steps in lengthy contract talks with Chicago Public Schools. CPS and CTU have begun fact-finding hearings this week, a required stage in negotiations before the union can legally go on strike. The fact-finder...
Chicago Public Schools, teachers union contra... Chicago Public Schools, teachers union contract stalemate continuesDespite the school district being on winter break, CPS and CTU bargaining teams have met for 8 of the past 10 days, and still can't finalize a deal.Jan 4, 2025 embed code copie...
A Chicago Teachers Union member, Moore’s vision is part of the union’s new campaign, Green New Deal for Chicago Public Schools. The newly launched endeavor, which the union is working on with the student-led Sunrise Movement, aims to remake the city’s aging school infrastructure both ...
Brown R Elementary Community Academy 12607 S Union Ave, Chicago, IL 60628 Brown W Elementary School 54 N Hermitage Ave, Chicago, IL 60612 Brownell Elementary School 6741 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60637 Brunson Math & Science Specialty Elementary 932 N Central Ave, Chicago, IL 60651 Budlong...
The union’s president, Jesse Sharkey, tweeted Tuesday night as rumors of the shift circulated: “A win for teachers, students and parents. It’s sad that we have to strike or threaten to strike to be heard, but when we fight we win!” ...
With no agreement in place between Chicago Public Schools and the Chicago Teachers Union, CPS officials announced that if teachers do not report to classrooms...
The 340,658 students enrolled in Chicago Public School (CPS) are going on day three of cancelled classes, after the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) voted to refuse orders to work in-person because of increasing cases of COVID-19.
But CPS had continued its mask mandate due to an agreement they'd reached with the Chicago Teachers Union following five days of canceled classes in January, after union members declined to teach in person due to safety concerns. CPS families are divided on the newly introduced optional mask re...
Chicago Teachers, Allies Rally -- Big Show of Union StrengthCHICAGO - Thousands of striking Chicago public school teachersand their allies packed a city...Tammy WebberJason Keyser
The union is preparing to strike if its demands are not met. With the new COVID-19 variants causing a surge in cases across the U.S., public school teachers in Chicago, Illinois, have indicated they will gladly return to remote work, despite how frustrating virtual learning has been for ...