An emotional thrill ride through the day-to-day chaos of the city's most explosive hospital, and the courageous team of doctors who hold it together. Sign In to Watch 3 — Trust Fall Aired: Oct 9, 2024 42m TV-14 An emotional thrill ride through the day-to-day chaos of the city'...
内容提示: 芝加哥急救第 二季 季 Chicago Med 中英剧本 第一集 芝加哥医院 我们即将送一名 24 岁女性入院 Chicago Med, we're inbound with a 24yearold female 谢莉尔·马丁 30 号公路高速撞击伤 Cheryl Martin, highspeed collision on Route 30 副驾驶位置侧面撞击 Tboned on the passenger side. 怀孕 ...
Dayton sets up OR 2.0 and brings the representatives of his company, Doctors Petra Dupre (Mishael Morgan) and Grace Song (T. V. Carpio), to the Gaffney. Introducing two female experts is a progressive representation of the IT sector. Robert Evans’ case frames the OR 2.0-related storylines...
Volunteering offers personal and professional benefits for aspiring doctors. Anna FiorinoDec. 20, 2024 Why You Should Volunteer in Med School This field lets students combine a love for engineering with a desire to solve health problems. Ilana Kowarski and Cole ClaybournDec. 20, 2024 ...
Chicago Med《芝加哥急救》第十季第一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,ChicagoMed《芝加哥急救》第十季第一集完全中英文对照剧本由芝加哥医疗学校ChicagansideHospital制作,讲述了主人公林奇作为一名实习医生与一名被诊断患有恶性肿瘤的女孩莉娜的治疗故事在这部剧情中,林奇不
Volunteering offers personal and professional benefits for aspiring doctors. Anna FiorinoDec. 20, 2024 Why You Should Volunteer in Med School This field lets students combine a love for engineering with a desire to solve health problems. Ilana Kowarski and Cole ClaybournDec. 20,...
ImanattendinghereatMed. 你怎么知道我的名字? Howdoyouknowmyname? 菲洛医生找我会诊你女儿的病例 DoctorFrostaskedmetoconsultonyourdaughterscase. 她只是局部性肠炎复发 SheshavingaCrohnsflare-up. 不需要两个医生来诊断 Thatdoesnttaketwodoctorstodiagnose. 劳拉,宝贝,该走了,来吧 Laura,baby,itstimetogo,comeon...
没事 Yeah. 芝加哥医院 第六季 第二集 24 岁孕妇 24-year-old female, pregnant, 主诉剧烈恶心和疲惫 complaining of severe nausea and fatigue, 今早开始呕吐 started vomiting this morning. 病历显示她怀孕 37 周 Record shows she's at 37 weeks. 她是被从哪里送过来的 Where'd they bring her in ...
[美剧] 芝加哥医院/Chicago Med 全集第1季第1集剧本完整版 剧本 台词 字幕 笔记 中英文对照 纯英文 学英语 文本 PDF 文档 电子版 纸质版 《芝加哥医院》是《芝加哥烈焰》(Chicago Fire)的第二部衍生剧,故事描述芝加哥城中最繁忙的一家医院的日常工作——这里有一支勇敢无惧的医护团队,他们团结一致,敢于面对任何...
Jamie Mackinson just died at Med. 什么? What? 医生认为她在过去24小时内 Doctors believe she's been bleeding internally 持续内出血 for the last twenty-four hours. 她因为脾脏受伤大量出血 She was hemorrhaging blood from trauma to her spleen, 所以她肯定遭人殴打 so she must have been beaten. 验...