THIS WEEK IN “GARLANDING” —“What Me Worry” AG Attains “Verb Status,” Pisses Off WH, & More Tales Of Woe From The Land Where Justice Goes To Die!” Merrick Garland doesn’t worry about injustice in his courts! But, YOU should PHOTO: Wikipedia Commons THIS WEEK IN “GARLANDING...
- Wikipedia page views over the past year: 2,123,577 - Birthday: Oct. 16, 1925 - Notable works: "The Manchurian Candidate," "Anastasia," "Beauty and the Beast," "Bedknobs and Broomsticks" If you've ever felt like you didn't accomplish enough during your first 20 years, this probably...
largest of the cities that did not exist at the dawn of the century. Within sixty years of the Great Chicago Fire of 1871, the population went from about 300,000 to over 3 million, and reached its highest ever recorded population of 3.6 million for the 1950 census.Source: Wikipedia ...
If the Tribune's series on political clout influencing University of Illinois admissions hasn't made you angry enough, try this one: Kurt Berger is a corrupt former Chicago Buildings Department supervisor now in federal prison for taking bribes. A couple of years ago, he had a problem. It wa...
of what makes this city so damn great. Wikipedia lists over 400 songs about Chicago, and while “My Kind of Town” and “Sweet Home Chicago” would be obvious choices, mine are a little unexpected (and seriously throwback to my love of punk rock days. Lucky Boys Confusion, Fall Out Boy...
Which means it’s the beginning of the journey. Now that people have seen the show, what about the call to activism inherent in it? So I ask all you poets out there to live like Natalie Diaz, and help your own Language find its way into the world. And if that Language happens to ...
I want to follow LeMaster’s connections between alternative arts organizations (extinct or not) and utopian experiments like New Harmony, and to examine the mythic force behind these spaces and projects that continue to engage us. But first, a brief summarization of several Wikipedia articles: ...
by tiling them. Given any random set of tiles of different colour combinations, there is no set of rules that can be relied on to determine whether a valid pattern of coloured squares can be created from them. Sometimes, you have to find out by trial and error. Images fromWikipedia) ...
He is credited with introducing the American public to popular writers such as Harriet Beecher Stowe, while editor of Atlas and the Cincinnati Chronicle, according to his Wikipedia page. Mansfield’s goal in the Political Grammar is to instill in his students a thorough philosophical understanding ...
Reading Galenson’s papers (or quickly reading his Wikipedia page), it is clear that Dylan’s relative youth during such transformational events is no accident. Dylan is a conceptual innovator, like Pablo Picasso, T.S. Eliot, and Orson Welles, who starting innovating young, made art by synthe...