Chicago Fire is a thrilling American drama series that first aired on NBC in 2012. The show is centered around the personal and professional lives of the firefighters and paramedics of Chicago Firehouse 51, located in the heart of the city of Chicago. One of the main characters of the show...
Kidd and 51 Rescue a Family from a Car Crash | Chicago Fire | NBC CLIP12/18/24 The Best of Herrmann | Chicago Fire | NBC CLIP11/27/24 If NBC's Chicago Wednesday Cast Members Could Play Different Characters, Who Would They Choose?
‘Chicago Fire,’‘9-1-1’ and ‘Fire Country’ are just some of the best firefighter TV shows fans should be watching — see them all
Category TV Series Genre Drama,Action MPAA Rating - Seasons 13 minute(s) Production Co NBC Universal Television, Wolf Films Distributor NBC Official Site Cast and Crew Director Reza Tabrizi Starring Taylor Kinney as Luke Gianni Christian Stolte Joe Minoso Ran...
TV show dates:October 10, 2012 — TBD Series status:Has not been cancelled Performers include:Jesse Spencer, Taylor Kinney, Lauren German, Monica Raymund, Charlie Barnett, Teri Reeves, David Eigenberg and Eamonn Walker. TV show description: ...
Chicago Fire is 308 on the JustWatch Daily Streaming Charts today. The TV show has moved up the charts by 229 places since yesterday. In the United States, it is currently more popular than Mighty Morphin Power Rangers but less popular than Saturday Night Live. Rank Title 304. Murdoch My...
Cast & crew Trivia News Chicago Shows created 3 weeks ago•497 titles My List of the Best of Television and Streaming created 8 years ago•5986 titles Chicago Fire Season Average Ratings created 4 years ago•262 titles IMDb Staff Picks for December ...
New Network TV Show Chicago Fire Oct 10 Posted by bgshap in Fire Service News | 40 Comments The show Chicago Fire premires tonight at nine pm on channel 5. We’d like to know what you think about it. Tags: Chicago Fire TV show, new network TV show based in Chicago, new tv sho...
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Chicago Med, Chicago Fire, and Chicago P.D. will have a huge night later this television season. Fans haven’t seen a full crossover between the three shows in years. Characters will surface on different shows, but three-show crossovers have been tabled for a while. Now, work has...