Why Should I Hire Chicago Medical Malpractice Attorneys? If the medical malpractice in question occurred in Chicago or the surrounding areas of Illinois, hiring a local medical malpractice attorney in Chicago offers several advantages specific to the city’s legal landscape and healthcare environment. ...
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medical malpractice to tort reform. Mr. Phillips is also the recipient of a number of awards and honors from various legal and community groups. His law practice focuses on personal injury, catastrophic injury, traffic accidents, tort law, wrongful death, nursing home and medical malpractice, ...
Medical Malpractice We Don’t Collect Any Fees Unless we Win! Nursing Home Abuse Birth Injuries Workers Compensation We Don’t Collect Any Fees Unless we Win! City of Chicago Municipal Ordinance Violations If you have suffered apersonal injury, been the victim ofnursing home abuse, are seekingwo...
Also, when it comes to getting compensation for medical bills that have already been paid, if your provider already paid some or all of the bills that you later get compensated, your health insurance provider may have a lien on part of your settlement....
A settlement was secured for a client who tragically passed away after the hospital failed to perform a timely CT scan despite her seeking medical attention for severe headaches. $4.24 Million Auto Accident McNabola & Associates filed a lawsuit against the City of Chicago, securing a settlement...
with hand breaks. We subpoenaed the police video, where we were able to determine that the defendant was actually riding a fixed gear bike that did not have any breaks. After this new evidence was disclosed the defendants insurance company settled for over 4 times our client's medical bills...
to not worry about the bill since his fee will come out of the patient’s personal injury settlementthrough a lien served upon the attorney and personal injury insurance company.What the patient is not told is that the amount of the bills will exceed the value of the personal injury claim!
During the course of your medical malpractice case, hospitals and insurance agency lawyers will be prepared to defend the doctor who caused you or your family member physical pain, emotional damage, and more. At Schwaner Injury Law, we are prepared to fight back and seek the compensation that ...
many cases, we are able to reach a fair settlement before a lawsuit is even filed. But in some cases, a lawsuit may be necessary. Although we are compassionate lawyers, our aggressive side comes out whenever an insurance company tries to avoid paying fair and full compensation to our ...