The table below can help you find a "p-value" (the top row) when you know the Degrees of Freedom "DF" (the left column) and the "Chi-Square" value (the values in the table).See Chi-Square Test page for more details.Or just use the Chi-Square Calculator....
Once you have calculated the test statistic, you would need to use a computer or a chi-square table to find the approximate P value. While this can be done by hand, there are several opportunities for human error, which is why we recommend this calculator (or Prism for more advanced anal...
Chi-Square TableNumbers in the left column are degrees of freedom. Numbers in the top row are significance levels (alpha). df0.0500.0100.001 1 3.84146 6.63490 10.828 2 5.99147 9.21034 13.816 3 7.81473 11.3449 16.266 4 9.48773 13.2767 18.467 5 11.0705 15.0863 20.515 6 12.5916 16.8119 22.458 7 ...
Chi-square Value: Degrees of Freedom: P value: Rows X Columns: Chi-Square Test Introduction Chi-square test is used only for categorical variables. The summary table should only include zero or positive integers. If the total frequency is under 20 and any cell has an expected frequency ...
Chi-Square Critical Values Calculator: Free Chi-Square Critical Values Calculator - Given a probability, this calculates the critical value for the right-tailed and left-tailed tests for the Chi-Square Distribution. CHIINV from Excel is used as well.
Cells within the table represent the critical chi-square value for a right-tailed test. In chi-square tests, the degrees of freedom equal: (Number of Columns – 1) * (Number of Rows – 1) While the table is set up for right-tailed tests, simple procedures allow you to use it for ...
chapter.Seealso,Chi-squareDistribution.Asshownintheillustrationbelow,thevaluesinsidethistablearecriticalvaluesoftheChi-square distributionwiththecorrespondingdegreesoffreedom.TodeterminethevaluefromaChi-squaredistribution(withaspecificdegreeof freedom)whichhasagivenareaaboveit,gotothegivenareacolumnandthedesireddegreeof...
Chi-Square Distribution Table The shaded area is equal toαforχ2=χ2α.d fχ2.995χ2.990χ2.975χ2.950χ2.900χ2.100χ2.050χ2.025χ2.010χ2.005 10.0000.0000.0010.0040.016 2.706 3.841 5.024 6.6357.879 20.0100.0200.0510.1030.211 4.605 5.9917.3789...
Once you have calculated the test statistic, you would need to use a computer or a chi-square table to find the approximate P value. While this can be done by hand, there are several opportunities for human error, which is why we recommend this calculator (or Prism for more advanced anal...
Chi-squaretable=3.84111 CondenceLevel=0.05016 Calculatedp-value=#DIV/0!SI1 DegreesofFreedom=1SI1 Chi-SquaretestcanNOTbeapplied.Instead,aFISHEREXACTtestshouldbecalculatedSI9 SI TwoLoci(notlinked),twoallelesperloci:A/aB/b(A>a;B>b) Cross:AaBbxAaBbCross:AaBbxAaBBCross:AABbxAaBB ...