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hwCurrentCfgChgSeqID Integer32 read-only The value of this object identifies the ID of the current configuration change. The value ranges from 0 to 65535. After the ID of the configuration change reaches the maximum value, the value of the ID starts from 1 again. After the device is...
hwCfgChgTableMaxItem Integer32 read-only The value of this object identifies the maximum number of entries in hwCfgChgTable. The value ranges from 0 to 65535. This object is implemented as defined in the corresponding MIB files. Favorite Download Update Date:2020-07-03 Document ID:EDOC1000...
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hwCfgChgType [5] INTEGER {create(1),modify(2),delete(3)} read-only This object indicates the configuration change type: 1: create 2: modify 3: delete This object is implemented as defined in the corresponding MIB files. hwCfgChgViewName [6] OctetString read-only This object indi...
hwCfgChgTableMaxItem This trap is generated when a configuration change occurs on the device within a specified period. This object is implemented as defined in the corresponding MIB files. Collections Télécharger le document Dernière mise à jour:2020-07-03 N° document :EDOC1000017264 Vues:99...