South Dakota is a state where 10 percent of the population is Native American, and SDSU rests on the historical territory of tribes (presently known as the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe; Crow Creek Sioux Tribe; Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe; Lower Brule Sioux Tribe; Oglala Sioux Tribe; Rosebud ...
During the early 19th century, they migrated to the headwaters of the Platte River in what is now Colorado. In 1832 a large segment of the tribe established itself along the Arkansas River, thus dividing the tribe into northern and southern branches. This division was recognized in the First ...
The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Game, Fish and Parks Department has been in existence since 1935 and is a federally funded program under a PL 93-638 contract. We are responsible for managing all of the wildlife, fisheries, and recreational resources on all trust lands within the boundaries of ...
city in southeastern Wyoming, the state capital population 59,466 Cheyenne词源中文解释 “大平原地区的美洲原住民或他们的(阿尔冈昆)语言,1778年,源自加拿大法语,来自达科他语 Sahi'yena,是 Sahi'ya 的一种爱称,指的是克里人。” Cheyenne词源英文解释 ...
Urine Bisphenol A and Arsenic Levels in Residents of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, South Dakota, with and without DiabetesBisphenol AArsenicDiabetesNative AmericansJournal of Medical Toxicology - Diabetes disproportionately affects American Indians/Alaskan Natives (AI/AN). Bisphenol A (BPA) and ...
Mercury, autoimmunity, and environmental factors on cheyenne river sioux tribal lands.doi:10.1155/2014/325461Mercury (Hg), shown to induce autoimmune disease in rodents, is a ubiquitous toxicant throughout Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe (CRST) lands. CRST members may be exposed to Hg through fish ...
Officials for the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe believe their plans for a casino on the shore of Lake Oahe in central South Dakota will create jobs and generate essential revenue for programs on the financially strapped reservation.
Indian Law - Tribal Sovereignty - Congress, Please Help Again - The Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Cannot Regulate Hunting and Fishing because the Non-Indian Interest Controls - South Dakota v. BourlandJohn H. McClanahan
Hender- son, Blood Mercury (Hg) Levels Among Consumers of Locally Caught Fish Residing on the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe (CRST) Reservation, American Public Health Association, 2009.Martin C, Wolkin A, Ducheneaux C, Lewis J, Henderson J. Blood Mercury (Hg) Levels Am...
they migrated to the headwaters of thePlatte Riverin what is nowColorado. In 1832 a large segment of the tribe established itself along theArkansas River, thus dividing the tribe into northern and southern branches. This division was recognized in the First Treaty of Fort Laramie with theUnited...