Tobacco Chewing and Oral Cancer in a Renal Transplant RecipientMOUTH tumorsBIOPSYSMOKELESS tobaccoKIDNEY transplantationPATIENTSORAL mucosaTRANSPLANTATION of organs, tissues, etc.doi:10.4103/ijot.ijot_58_23Shinde, Rakesh SudhirPrasad, NarayanIndian Journal of Transplantation...
A case-control study of cancer of the gingiva was carried out in Kerala, Southern India, using 187 cases and 895 hospital-based controls. We investigated the effects on risk in males of pan (betel)-tobacco chewing, bidi and cigarette smoking, drinking alcohol and taking snuff. In females on...
This study examined oral cancer in a cohort of 78 140 women aged 30-84 years in Karunagappally, Kerala, India, on whom baseline information was collected on lifestyle, including tobacco chewing, and sociodemographic factors during the period 1990-1997. By the end of 2005, 92 oral cancer cas...
Different types of "dip" or chewing tobacco have been tied to cancer. Here is a closer look at the connection.
Objective: To study the risk of all-cause, cancer and tobacco-related cancer mortality associated with tobacco chewing, tobacco smoking and alcohol use. Design: Prospective community-based cohort study initiated in 1996. Participants: 167 343 adult subjects, aged 34 and older, living in 13 panchay...
Step-by-Step Solution:1. Understanding Tobacco Use: Tobacco can be consumed in various forms, including smoking, chewing, and snuffing. Each method has different health implications.2. Identifyin
Lung cancer:Lung cancer is a kind of disease that has malignant cells inside the primary organ of the respiratory system. Smoking is one of the most famous risk factors associated with the disease.Answer and Explanation: While chewing tobacco has been linked with the onset of multiple types of...
Article: Effect of tobacco chewing, tobacco smoking and alcohol on all-cause and cancer mortality: a cohort study from Trivandrum, India
Helping dentists, hygienists and County Health Departments help their patients quit chewing tobacco and quit smoking.
Chewing tobacco, tobacco used for chewing and that appears in a variety of forms, notably (1) “flat plug,” a compressed rectangular cake of bright tobacco, sweetened lightly or not at all, (2) “navy,” a flat rectangular cake of burley tobacco, highly