A cough begins with a deep breath in, at which point the opening between the vocal cords at the upper part of the larynx (glottis) shuts, trapping the air in the lungs. As the diaphragm and other muscles involved in breathing press against the lungs, the glottis suddenly opens, producing...
I have a chesty cough that brings up phlegmThought was allergies or cold but have been on anti biotics twice now and cough does not go away. is worse at night-at times wake up choking(horrible scary feeling) HAs this happened to anyone else? I am ready to stop taking this pill...
Coughs that contain phlegm are called productive coughs, chesty coughs, or wet coughs. Phlegm is generally a sign that there is inflammation or an infection. If you find yourself experiencing a wet cough, be particularly aware that you may...