Eyeball Chests, or Disillusionment Chest are scattered throughout the map inHogwarts Legacy. Players will try to open this chest; however, they require a particular method in order to unlock. Here’s everything you need to know in order to open Eyeball chests inHogwarts Legacy. Recommended Vide...
How to open Eye Chests in Hogwarts Legacy The trick to open Eye Chests in Hogwarts Legacy is to sneak up on them. You do not want to startle their eyeballs. You can try to crouch or approach them from the sides of the room, but they will always be able to see you coming. Hence,...
Hogwarts Legacy: How to Open Eyeball Chests In order to openEyeball Chests, you'll need theSpellcalledDisillusionment. This is a charm you cast on yourself to make you invisible. Stand well back of anEyeball Chest, use theSpell, and then walk up to it and open it. EveryEyeball Chestconta...
There are many strange sights and sounds to behold all across Hogwarts as you explore the castle and its surroundings in 8Hogwarts Legacy*. Aside from the more overtly fantastical creatures you will encounter, there are a few things that are more curious and confusing than anything else. Chief ...