Weather 30 Days Forecast Satellite+Radar Map × Chesterfield Missouri - United States 2025-02-17 2025-02-17 16:21-6° Cloudy AQI Today: It's Snow Flurry during the day and Light Snow at night, little colder than yesterday.
As Chesterfield's temporary rock wall held against a stubbornly high Missouri River, city leaders prepared Friday for a weekend cleanup and hoped for a higher main levee some day.The Missouri fell Thursday and early Friday but rose slightly by noon Friday, the National Weather Service reported....
Chesterfield Mayor Jack Leonard was smiling Saturday with good news on the flood front. The Missouri River was falling and rain was absent from the five-day forecast."We've made it, I think," Leonard said of the temporary levee of crushed rock erected along Eatherton Road. It was put up...