切斯特動物園Chester Zoo的蘇門答臘虎Sumatran Tiger(Panthera tigris sumatrae)雙胞胎姐妹有名字啦! 保育員爲牠們取名阿里法Alif 和拉亞Raya:前者是印尼比較流行的名字,後者則源自蘇門答臘的拉雅山。現在倆...
Chester Zoo, ~6 km: A large zoo with diverse animal species. The Chester Grosvenor, ~0.6 km: A historic hotel with dining and spa facilities. Town Crier Proclamation at the Cross, ~0.5 km: A unique local tradition in Chester. Grosvenor Museum, ~1 km: Provides insights into Chester's hi...
Address: Cedar House, Caughall Road, Chester Official site:www.chesterzoo.org Dewa Roman Experience Pots at Dewa Roman Experience |Kieran Lamb/ photo modified Be sure to visit the Dewa Roman Experience, a fascinating interactive reconstruction of the sights, sounds, and smells of life inside the...