This was also the woman that went digging through the Internet until she came up with a photo of me in a hospital gown as I was facing breast cancer surgery years ago, like it was supposed to make me cry. It’s always something from them. It’s like I say the sky is blue and th...
Stef (my youngest) got us 10 tickets with blue parking passes from her boss - great for tailgating...NICE!!! Then of course, her husband, Brian's from Tampa - they're going to lose. haha... We've been ribbing each other all week, just having fun. We're all football fan at my...
Since these people moved into the area they literally park a couple to a few vehicles on our street a great deal of the time. A little head scratching considering their driveway size, parking pad, and big old garage, but hey, they bought a property that has needed a boatload of work ...
Found in the parking lot of the Limerick Diner, he was pronounced dead, apparently of a heart attack, at Pottown Memorial Medical Center. Note:Mr. Wetherill, who lived at Wetherhold, his tree plantation near Chester Springs in Chester County, was active in conservation and environmental- ...