Lots of questions given who the solicitor is on the legal notice and that Warren Kampf the former state rep who now shills for Chester County is on the court docket, but there is a lack of information out there. It appears London Grove Township actually does have some land development plans...
This issue will soon have a day in court and we hope PEACEABLY many will join the Bocks on that day. But until then, please give Chester Springs a break. There should be no sight-seeing tour, that isgruesome. You will note one other thing on the docket I am about to post. And tha...
Now pregnant with her third child, Williams-Earle, 32, sat sobbing Tuesday in Montgomery County Court, apologizing and pleading for mercy…Judge William R. Carpenter said the death of Winston Staats could not be overlooked. Turning aside her requests to be free before her baby is born, he se...