The wh...Dick, E. "Chest x-rays made easy," Student BMJ - The International Medical Journal for Students - Volume 8. Septermber 2000. Retrieved February 12, 2012 from http://www.e-
This provided a blocked practice intervention for students focusing solely on cardiac interpretation. Cases used in this part of the intervention included CHF, pericardial cal- cification, prosthetic valves, cardiomegaly and normal chest x-rays. The module was delivered in an interactive power point ...
Abdominal x rays made easy: normal radiographs Understanding x ray films is something that all clinical students should get to grips with. Starting out as a doctor, you will not need to be an expert but you will need to know the basics. Ian Bickle and Barry Kelly present the first pa.....
There is a growing interest in the automated analysis of chest X-Ray (CXR) as a sensitive and inexpensive means of screening susceptible populations for pulmonary tuberculosis. In this work we evaluate the latest version of CAD4TB, a commercial software platform designed for this purpose. Version...
Reconet: Multi-Level Preprocessing of Chest X-Rays for Covid-19 Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks medRxiv (2020) Google Scholar [21] S. Christodoulidis, M. Anthimopoulos, L. Ebner, A. Christe, S. Mougiakakou Multisource transfer learning with convolutional neural networks for lung...
In medical imaging, the last decade has witnessed a remarkable increase in the availability and diversity of chest X-ray (CXR) datasets. Concurrently, ther
Chest X-rays are the most commonly performed medical imaging exam, yet they are often misinterpreted by physicians. Here, we present an FDA-cleared, artificial intelligence (AI) system which uses a deep learning algorithm to assist physicians in the comp
Dick, E. "Chest x-rays made easy," Student BMJ - The International Medical Journal for Students - Volume 8. Septermber 2000. Retrieved February 12, 2012 from http://www.e-
Silva VMC, Luiz RR, Barreto MM, Rodrigues RS, Marchiori E. Competence of senior medical students in diagnosing tuberculosis based on chest X-rays. J Bras Pneumol. 2010;36(2):190- 6.Silva VM, Luiz RR, Barreto MM, Rodrigues RS, Marchiori E. Competence of senior medical students in ...