Bales (Cook), Lucy Beatrice Ballard (Hodges), Arrilla Marie Ballew (Free), Dorothy Jeanne Bamburg, George Edward Banasau (Johnson), Leona Mae Bandy, Raycine Leandria Bankhead, Daniel Ray Banks, Angela Marie Banks, Joel Adam-Lee Banks, Shawna Marie Barbee (Price), Wilma Jean Barbee, ...
They discovered that most of the pools boasted anemones, some not unlike an ordinary land daisy with light-colored tentacles stretching ray- shaped from a yellow centre. When touched with an empty shell, the anemone would close over it, folding both the shell and itself into a tight brown ...
RAY'S RENTALS 931-235-3365 Weekend Packages and Special Events CLIFFTOPS, BRIDAL VEIL, ALL AROUND THE MOUNTAIN Monteagle Sewanee Rentals 931-924-7253 JOSH OF ALL TRADES: Welding, metal fab- rication, water and sewer line installation/repair, lawn maintenance, ...