Anatomically, the heart is located in the anterior thoracic cavity; so when a person faces forward toward an X-ray machine, the heart is closer to the X-ray machine and farther from the film behind it. If a person faces away from the X-ray machine, however, the heart is farther from...
With access to the MIMIC-CXR, funded by Philips Research, registered users and their cohorts can more easily develop algorithms for fourteen of the most common findings from a chest X-ray, including pneumonia, cardiomegaly (enlarged heart), edema (excess fluid), and a punctured lung. By way ...
Chest X-Rays (CXRs) are commonly used to diagnose heart and lung problems. Automatically recognizing these problems with high accuracy might considerably improve real-world diagnosis processes. However, the lack of standard publicly available datasets and benchmark research makes comparing and ...
Chest X-Ray (CXR) images are commonly used for clinical screening and diagnosis. Automatically writing reports for these images can considerably lighten the workload of radiologists for summarizing descriptive findings and conclusive impressions. The complex structures between and within sections of the ...
Chest X-ray is one of the most widely used medical imaging tests worldwide to diagnose and manage heart and lung diseases. In this study, we developed a computer-based tool to predict patients’ age from chest X-rays. The tool precisely estimated patients’ age from chest X-rays. Further...
Three public chest X-ray datasets are used to evaluate the proposed method for multi-organs segmentation, such as the heart, lungs, and clavicles, and single-organ segmentation, which include only lungs. The results from the experiment show that our proposed technique outperformed the existing ...
ACS indicates acute coronary syndrome; AR, aortic regurgitation; AS, aortic stenosis; CXR, chest x-ray; LR, likelihood ratio; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; MR, mitral regurgitation; PE, pulmonary embolism; and PUD, peptic ulcer disease. 2.3. Diagnostic Testing 2.3.1. Setting Considerations Rec...
For front view X-ray, Posterior – Anterior (PA) and Anterior-posterior (AP) are the most common methods for chest X-ray images. Some differences between the procedure of both methods will reflect on the output image. The AP approach gives a less clear view of the heart and mediastinum ...
The automatic segmentation of the lung region for chest X-ray (CXR) can help doctors diagnose many lung diseases. However, extreme lung shape changes and fuzzy lung regions caused by serious lung diseases may incorrectly make the automatic lung segmentat
heart. The Montgomery County chest X-ray set (MC) and the Shenzhen Hospital X-ray set (SH) are publicly available datasets focusing on classification of tuberculosis29,30. The MC dataset, courtesy of the National Library of Medicine, contains 138 posterior-anterior chest x-rays in DICOM ...