Chest X-ray english 胸部X光英文_PPT幻灯片 LATERALCHEST NORMALHEARTCONFIGURATION NORMALCHESTANATOMY TracheaCarina Rt.mainbronchusRt.hilum MarginofRt.atrium 1strib AorticarchLt.hilum Lt.mainbronchusMarginofLt.ventricle Rt.hemidiaphragm StomachgasColongas BRONCHOGRAM—CONTRASTOUTLININGAIRWAY TRACHEA RT.MAINBRON...
1、objectives:basic radiology 101film interpretationappreciate the role radiology playsartifacts in x-rayscontents:densitiestechniquesanatomycxr interpretationcommon pathologiesquestionsdensities the big two densities are: (1) white - bone (2) black - airthe others are: (3) dark grey- fat (4) grey-...
chest胸部arteryraybronchuspulmonary NORMAL HEARTCONFIGURATION PACHEST NORMAL HEARTCONFIGURATION LATERALCHEST Rt.hemidiaphragm Stomachgas Colongas Rt.hilum Carina Rt.mainbronchus Aorticarch Lt.hilum Lt.mainbronchus Trachea MarginofRt.atrium 1 st rib MarginofLt.ventricle NORMALCHESTANATOMY CARINA LT.MAINBRON...
The Chest X-Ray For: Nottingham SCRUBS 26th August 2019 Presented by: Matthew Objectives: ?Basic Radiology 101 ?Film Interpretation ?Appreciate the role radiology plays ?Artifacts in X-Rays Contents: ?Densities ?Techniques ?Anatomy ?CXR Interpretation ?Common Pathologies ?Questions The big two ...
X-ray of the chest (also known as a chest radiograph) is a commonly used imaging study, and is the most frequently performed imaging study in the United States. It is almost always the first imaging study ordered to evaluate for pathologies of the thorax, although further diagnostic imaging,...
ChestX-rayInterpretation胸部X射线 解释 Introduction RoutinelyobtainedPulmonaryspecialistconsultationInherentphysicalexamlimitationsChestx-raylimitationsPhysicalexamandchestx-rayprovide compliment EssentialsBeforeGettingStarted Exposure –Overexposure–Underexposure SexofPatient –Male–Female SystematicApproach BonyFragments –...
The Normal Chest X-Ray You can recognize air, water & bone density on chest x-ray Lung fields appear dark because of air. 99% of the lung is air. The Normal Chest X-Ray The pulmonary vasculature, interstitial space, constitutes 1% of the lung Gives a lacy lung pattern. Most disease ...
Radiography A chest x-ray may be used to diagnose and to plan the treatment and follow up for various conditions, including: Fractures of the bones of the chest, including ribs, sternum, vertebrae, clavicle and scapula Lung disorders such as pneumonia, emphysema, pleural effusion, tuberculosis ...
The Chest X-Ray:胸部X光检查 TheChestX-Ray:胸部X光检查 Techniques-Projection(continued)•LateralDecubitus Techniques-Projection(continued)•Oblique Orientation •Orientation Rotation Rotation(continued)Penetration Inspiration/Expiration Anatomy Anatomy Anatomy •Rightupperlobe:Lobes Lobes(continued)•Right...