Chest tightness and cough. 胸腹急痛,吐不能食,腹痛拒按或吐蛔虫. Abdominal Ji Tong, spit can not eat, abdominal pain refused to press or spit roundworm. 两胁痛. Two hypochondriac. 右胁下痛,腹胀不思饮食,食油腻后胁痛,腹胀加重,此种病人可为慢性肝炎. Under Xie pain, bloating and not eating,...
爱给网提供海量的高清实拍资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mov 格式的胸闷, 咳嗽和哮喘(Chest tightness, cough and asthma), 本站编号75587225, 该高清实拍素材大小为360m, 时长为17秒, 分辨率为3840*2160, 该素材已被下载:72次, 更多精彩高清实拍素材,尽在爱给网。 浏览本次作品的您可能还对 感染疼痛难过女...
Did you get a fever with chills? Did you cough and have difficulty in breathing? 6、有痰吗? Do you cough up sputum? 7、除了胸闷,胸部疼痛吗? Besides tightness, do you have any pain in the chest? 8、是心口部位疼痛还是侧胸部疼痛? Do you feel the pain in front of the heart or in t...
Chest tightness can happen if you haveCOPD. Shortness of breath from constricted airways is the main symptom, but you may feel chest tightness or like something is wrapped around your chest—even while at rest.20You could also have a cough and a lot of mucus. COPD is the result of irrit...
From time to time, I cough up dark red sputum. I feel chest tightness too.───有的时候, 我会咳出红黑色的痰. 另外我也会胸闷. Some patients do not belong to the typical angina, chest tightness performance, toothache, and abdominal discomfort.───有些患者属于不典型的心绞痛, 表现为胸闷...
Been feeling some chest tightness besides right sternum since past few months! I used to workout regularly but whenever I get cold this tightness feeling comes ! But haven't faced any breathing problem but when I cough during sometimes it feels like a mild pul...
Along with othersymptoms of asthma, such as shortness of breath and chest tightness,asthmacan cause you to cough up phlegm. This may be a sign that your airways are inflamed, but small amounts of white or clear mucus aren’t worrisome. ...
Chest pain or chest tightness or chest pressure is a discomfort or pain that a person feels along the front side of the body between the neck and upper abdomen region. Many people panic when they feel chest pain thinking they might have aheart attack, but it is not so, as there are ot...
Define chest infection. chest infection synonyms, chest infection pronunciation, chest infection translation, English dictionary definition of chest infection. chest infection. Translations. English: chest infection n Lungeninfekt m. German / Deutsch: Lu
GERD occurs when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing irritation and discomfort. This condition can lead to sensations of tightness in the chest. Heartburn (a burning sensation in the chest), regurgitation of food or sour liquid, difficulty swallowing, and chronic cough. ...