Chest pain Nontraumatic chestpainis one of the most common reasons that patients visit the emergency department; it is also frequently encountered in both the inpatient and outpatient settings. The differential diagnosis is broad and includes cardiac (e.g., acute coronary syndrome , pericarditis ),...
Pearl: ALWAYS have the patient point to the pain! Typical vs. Atypical Chest Pain Typical Characterized as discomfort/pressure rather than pain Time duration >2 mins Provoked by activity/exercise Radiation (i.e. arms, jaw) Does not change with respiration/position ...
Aim of work To study the IMA level in patients presenting with non-ST segment elevation ACS and its diagnostic and prognostic value. Patients and methods This study was conducted on 50 patients with a mean age of 54.7卤9yrs. Patients were grouped into group 1: unstable angina (13 patients)...
Background: Pneumomediastinum, or mediastinal emphysema, means air present inside the mediastinum. It usually presents with symptoms of chest pain and shortness of breath. Examination can be significant for crepitus along the neck area. There are many risk factors associated with pneumomediastinum, incl...
In addition, it was shown that this application does not cause stress or pain [52]. In this sense, the results of the study carried out on premature infants to find out the effect of Vojta therapy on bone modelling conclude that no participant showed signs of stress and pain during the...