Recall the mediastinum is that region of the chest cavity that lies in the middle, between the left and right pleural cavities. Anatomy of the Heart These lectures discuss the anatomy of the heart. WEEK 3 Anatomy of the Abdomen These lectures discuss the anatomy of the abdomen. Abdomen (...
The same thing that happens to the pen’s shadow when you hold it closer to the flashlight and farther from the wall happens to the picture of the heart created by the rays in an AP view. Anatomically, the heart is located in the anterior thoracic cavity; so when a person faces forward...
(anatomy) The region of the mammalian body between the neck and abdomen as well as the cavity containing the heart and lungs. Chest A box for the shipping of certain goods, such as tea. Thorax The middle of three distinct divisions in an insect, crustacean or arachnid body to which the ...
The view is labeled based on the side of the chest that is dependent. Thus an x-ray obtained with the patient positioned with the left side of the thorax in a dependent position is a “left lateral decubitus” view. Usually, an x-ray is then obtained using an AP projection, as ...
The resultant air cavity structure was then reviewed to quantify the total air cavity volume and maximum air cavity dimension along a normal to the skin surface. In vivo dosimetry At the time of treatment planning, 7 positions on the patient surface were selected for placement of optically ...
Our ground truth was labeled as the one-hot label, of which the negative was set to 0 and positive was set to 1. We applied the Softmax function as a classifier. Conceptually, the Softmax function generates the class probabilities between 0 and 1, but not exactly 0 and 1. That means...