). The comments will be similar, but this time I will focus more on strategy and thinking of beginners. Again it will be a game byBotvinnik, which I think is one of the best to leant about positional play. In addition, you can see how the strategy and tactics work perfectly, since p...
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2/9/2025 – Herman Grooten is an International Master, a renowned trainer and the author of several highly acclaimed books on chess training and strategy. In episode 216 of his "Understanding before Moving" show Herman looks at the career of Sergey Karjakin. | Photo: Pascal Simon ...
Learn chess strategy with IM Herman Grooten.View the new video! Februar 21Power Play Show Learn chess insights with GM Daniel King.View the new video! Live Ticker New Opening Trend Bellia - Olafsson (B12) 11h New Opening Trend Tan - Lagno (E62) ...