is a powerful and dedicated server only for chess-results. The tournament archive of contains more than 40.000 tournaments from around the world. is a powerful and dedicated server only for chess-results. The tournament archive of contains more than 40.000 tournaments from around the world. is a powerful and dedicated server only for chess-results. The tournament archive of contains more than 40.000 tournaments from around the world. is a powerful and dedicated server only for chess-results. The tournament archive of contains more than 40.000 tournaments from around the world.
Web is the official website, Results are where there official results are given, and live is the official site for the games. The most important elite events are highlighted. Advertising ContactMark Crowther (TWIC)if you wish to advertise here. ...
SVK 4 21.5 12.00 Frank Wuts 2308 NED 4 20.0 11.00 Frans Wolferink 2143 NED 4 18.0 10.75 Sævar Bjarnason 2264 ISL 4 18.0 9.75 Einar K. Einarsson 2088 ISL 4 16.0 7.00 16-20 Friðrik Olafsson 2452 ISL 3.5 22.5 10.00 Stefán Kristjansson 2406 ISL 3.5 22.0 11.50 Áskell Örn ...
7 113 IM Gazik Viktor 2535 SVK 4,5 s 0 20 -5,20 8 307 Hesse Henrik 2165 GER 3,5 w ½ 20 -4,80 9 300 FM Martinkus Rolandas 2185 LTU 3,0 s 1 20 5,60 10 325 Janjic Stefan 2086 SRB 4,0 w FM Csiki Endre 2251 HUN Rp: 2406 Pts. 4,0 1 93 GM Djukic Nikola 2572 ...
WGM Atousa Pourkashiyan of Iran scored 7.5/11 points 7.0/11: WGM Sabina Francesca Foisor from Romania, now living and studying in Baltimore, USA WGM Shadi Paridar from Iran, who like Cristina Foisor, scored 7.0/11 Top results (8.5 pts and higher – total 701 players)...
Results of the Oxford-Cambridge Varsity Match 2021 BdOxford UniversityRatingNat5½-2½Cambridge UniversityRatingNat 1wTom O'Gorman (Hertford)2381fIRL1-0Harry Grieve (St Catharine's, captain)2320fENG 2bFilip Mihov (Balliol)2255MKD1-0Koby Kalavannan (St Catharine's)2324fENG ...
24 Marcu Simon 14933101 SVK 1872 25 Bartuszek Andras 759198 HUN 1866 26 Szendeff Miklos 753068 HUN 1835 27 Szabo Marton Mihaly 787086 HUN 1822 28 Bakos Balazs 765147 HUN 1815 29 Bedecs Marton 740012 HUN 1798 30 Lakat Gyula 705918 HUN 1774 31 Dibusz Domonkos 771031 HUN 1773 32 Simonyi Ge...