software, no mouse, only a keyboard. The puzzle was on an A: drive disk. It was definitely the smaller plastic hard disk, not the floppy large ones.c610.dxc6a6is best, and has been played nine times in my database. White wins material. But I came up with a "puzzle" variation ...
Problems start with opponent move first: Used to dictate if book problem content starts with an opponent pre-move similar to Chesstempo problems, or the first move in each problem is the one to be played by the solver. The default setting is to start with the player to move first. This...
Chess Clock is a free and open source chess game timer application for Linux. It is a easy to use simple app to provide time control for chess games. You can set the time control settings for your chess game, then the black player taps their clock to start white’s timer. After each ... Dylan Djian dylandjian Follow Software developer @PayFit 73 followers · 7 following Beta Pro Pinned retro-contest-sonic Public World … Dylan Djian dylandjian - Gist Instantly share code, ...