Assigning the pawn a value of 1, the values of the other pieces are approximately as follows: knight 3, bishop 3, rook 5, and queen 9. The relative values of knights and bishops vary with different pawn structures. Additionally, tactical considerations may temporarily override the pieces’ usu...
Preview Purchase Chess Strategy (1800-2400) 战略 This chess program presents many instructive positions with 18 most important strategic themes such as Advantage in development, Advantage in space, Attack on the king, Attack on the queenside, Weak squares, Pawn structure, Open files and diagonals...
Pawn Structure Pawn structure refers to the way pawns are placed in a specific position, disregarding the placement of other pieces. Understanding pawn structures is critical for any serious chess player because it affects many other strategical concepts. Attacking plans, piece activity, and holes are...
In this series it’s all about strategy for club players, explained in a simple way with clear examples! The idea is to focus on certain themes using specific pawn structures. The central question is: how can the pieces be manoeuvred into good positions and what should we then consider?
You will learn that every pawn move must be assessed very well and a superior pawn structure can be enough to win a game if you know the right plans.These are some of the structures that every chess player must know:Chess Strategy 3: The Backward Pawn...
Chess strategy is the aspect of chess playing concerned with evaluation of chess positions and setting of goals and long-term plans for future play. While evaluating a position strategically, a player must take into account such factors as the relative value of the pieces on the board, pawn ...
The Solution: Prioritize learning about pawn structure early on. Had you been taught this concept from the beginning, you’d instinctively value it during games. Now, fixing this oversight involves studying common pawn structures and understanding how they affect both strategy and tactics. It’s no...
Every pawn move creates weaknesses in your pawn structure. Be aware of these weaknesses and try to minimize them as much as possible.*Spare some time to learn about the8 Pawn Structures You Must Know. The Pawns are the soul of the game – Philidor ...
In this series it’s all about strategy for club players, explained in a simple way with clear examples! The idea is to focus on certain themes using specific pawn structures. The central question is: how can the pieces be manoeuvred into good positions and what should we then consider?
When you play chess, understanding pawn structure is essential to developing a chess strategy and, eventually, achieving a checkmate. There are entire chess books dedicated solely to pawns and pawn structures, but here are the basics: Passed pawn. A passed pawn is a pawn that cannot be stopped...