This week's training tournaments return to the King's Indian Petrosian, which is a great line for learning more about pawn structures with a closed centre: Sunday January 12th at 5pm UK Time: King's Indian Petrosian with 7...a5 Sunday January 12th at 6.15pm UK Time: King's Indian Petro...
The engine supports up to 64 cores, Syzygy endgame tablebase, and Fischer random chess. Kodomo lets you save the engine’s analysis of a position so you can check it later and resume analysis. You can also control how the engine makes long-term sacrifices of pawn structure for dynamic pla...
Pawn’d(available for $1 on iOS, or inLite form for free) is a chess & match-3 matchup. I had a very similar design idea for this style of game as a game mode for ActionChess, but I never really put any time into it. Pawn’d takes the concept in a lot of different directions...
a move that results in a clear two pawn advantage or better. The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first. Solutions are found under the puzzles when you drag your curser between the two brackets. All solutions have been verified by a grandmaster-rated chess engine. ...
these two bishops laser beamed the king in the corner. so here the cheater with white sacrificed a knight to lead the attack forward once again and then white sacrificed a queen for basically nothing. white gave away a queen for one pawn, and that led to the devastation of the black ...
And, after the first move is completed by acertain pawn, it’s only allowed to takeone stepat a time on the same file. In the position above, the pawn onb2has the option to either play tob3or tob4on its first move. The black pawn, on the other hand, as it has made itsinitial...
I fear so. The closer to the match, the more nerve wrecking it becomes. -I remember from one of his first WC matches, when doing his opening move, Magnus Carlsens fingers were trembling. He almost dropped the pawn. It's on YouTube somewhere. Sleepless nights during tournaments is also ...
7/9/2010 – In endgames, a further reduction in material is always a critical decision. In our position, Black was offered with 60...Kxg2 61.Kxe3 Rxb5 62.axb5 f1Q 63.Rxf1 Kxf1 the option of a liquidation to a pawn ending, which would leave him with a protected passed pawn on...
Are you a budding chess champion? Well, if you've got time in between practise matches have a go at this fun quiz and find out just how much you know about this ancient and fascinating game! Whether you're a beginner or an expert, this quiz is sure to test you!
You rock Pol, still like to hear about how "Young Polgars" used to play the version of Kings Gambit where you would push out the bishop early, eyeing of blacks F pawn. I really think the first network to realise chess potential, as you point out, will make big bucks. Isn't that ...