Openings App Get the openings videos and interactive openings book for your iPhone and iPad Openings! King's Indian Defense Apps Enjoy two new tutorials for King's Indian Defense: Classic Lines and Bayonet Attack. For your iPhone and Android!
Openings App Get the openings videos and interactive openings book for your iPhone and iPad Openings! King's Indian Defense Apps Enjoy two new tutorials for King's Indian Defense: Classic Lines and Bayonet Attack. For your iPhone and Android!
Openings App Get the openings videos and interactive openings book for your iPhone and iPad Openings! King's Indian Defense Apps Enjoy two new tutorials for King's Indian Defense: Classic Lines and Bayonet Attack. For your iPhone and Android!
The Alekhine-Chatard Attack Chess OpeningsThe French DefenceFebruary 13, 2023ShareFacebookTwitterPinterestEmail This article is part of a series of articles covering different Opening Variations. You can find the complete list of Openings/Variations covered on the following link. Introduction After cover...
Alekhine Defense Pirc Defense Nimzowitsch Defense Wayward Queen Attack Ponziani Opening Petrov Defense Latvian Gambit Elephant Gambit Urusov Gambit Queen’s Pawn Opening Queen’s Gambit Slav Defense Semi-Slav Defense Catalan Opening Albin Counter-Gambit ...
The first few moves in the chess opening lays the foundation for every chess game. Most of the chess openings have been named and analyzed for hundreds of years. It is important if you want to be successful in chess to be familiar with some of the most p
This leads to openings such as Alekhine's Defense - in a line like 1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.d4 d6 4.c4 Nb6 5.f4 (the Four Pawns Attack), White has a formidable pawn center for the moment, but Black hopes to undermine it later in the game, leaving White's position exposed. King...
Alekhine's Defence 1. P-K4, N-KB3 e4, Nf6 P4R, C3AR As the obvious response to this opening is 2. P-K5, the threat to White's King Pawn doesn't seem to gain anything for Black, and instead White gets additional control of the center. Thus, many authors do not recommend this...
Part 1: Beating the Alekhine (5… cxd6 and 9… Bf5!?) Learn key strategic ideas in the Alekhine! GM Perelshteyn shows how he won against this opening with style. View More Bogo Indian vs. g3 - Miniature vs FIDE Master! What if white plays g3 against your Bogo Indian? GM Perel...
Queen’s Indian Defense is somewhat similar to Nimzo, it borrows many of its plans and ideas. Kasparov doesn’t need very sharp positions to win. He can provoke complications without taking unnecessary risks as Alexander Alekhine did. That and the ability to attack make Kasparov a very difficul...