Play chess online for free on with over 150 million members from around the world. Have fun playing with friends or challenging the computer!
This nearly complete chess set from Iran is one of the earliest examples in the world. The shah (king) is represented as a throne, the vizier (the equivalent of the queen) is a smaller throne and the elephant (bishop) has two tusk-like protrusions. Sepia Times/Universal Images Group via...
A sharp eye for tactics is very useful in the final stage of the game as well! 1,667 |4 |Endgames Counterchances GMKingLoek |Dec 19, 2023 |35 min Never give up, never surrender! Loek teaches us to look for opportunities to fight back, taking as one of his examples how... ...
On April 30th, Guangzhou Cultural Park hosted chess matches between master Hong Zhi and 20 chess lovers. In the world of chess, Hong Zhi's style is known for its fierceness and bravery, often winning in chaotic situations. He even won the gold medal in the men's individual chess competitio...
Whites best according to the computer is 10.Kf1! taking the sting out of ...c4 as white can now again recapture with the knight. The king on f1 and Rook on g1 indeed looks very weird, but as white does g4 next, some breathing space for the king will exist. Modern (computer) ...
Similar games include Doodle God, but please note that this is brand new, built from scratch, taking the concept directly from the old 80s ‘Alchemy’ and reinventing it in the process. IT’S HUGE ! The game includes 1600 discoverable Elements, but grows with updates and your suggestions....
If the engine is given a position to search that is in the tablebases, it will use the tablebases at the beginning of the search to preselect all good moves, i.e. all moves that preserve the win or preserve the draw while taking into account the 50-move rule. It will then perform ...
The next significant change, the addition of a tiny latch called a flag, appeared at the turn of the 19th century and helped end the chronic arguments over when a player had exceeded a time limit. The flag, lying straight down near the 12 at the top of a clock face, is lifted at th...
1/20/2025 – The Black Knights’ Tango, also known as the Mexican Defence, is a bold and unconventional opening that puts White on edge from the very first moves. After 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 Nc6!?, Black takes the initiative, luring White into overextending their central pawns, only to disma...
The match had many phases. Carlsen got off to a strong start, taking a two-point lead, but the ever-resourceful Nakamura fought back to take a three-point lead in the 3+1 portion. After changing shirts, the former world champion evened the score just before the bullet section. ...