Queen endgames can arise from pawn endgames when one side manages to promote a pawn to a queen. Endgames involving queens in chess are tricky because of the possibility for one side to draw by perpetual check. Ensuring your king has a safe shelter is vital in all phases of the game. ...
Alexandra will be honored at the 5th Annual Chess Fest and will receive the 9 Queens Award. The event is sponsored by the Soroptomist International of Desert Tucson and Chess King software. Read the full press release below and mark your calendars if you can make it to Tucson on May 5!
vice president of FIDE,claimed inThe Guardianthat “men are hardwired to be better chess players than women, you have to gracefully accept that.” The greatest ever female player, Judit Polgar, who has a winning record against Nigel, told The Guardian: “It is not down to biology. It’s ...
Through my 8 years of my career I have been playing tournaments from all over the World. My speciality is the Sicilian Strategy and the Queens Gambit. I’d like to teach students or young players a few moves and strategies to win the game. ...
On a previous occasion he’d made a speech that included the paragraph: “Chess covers or comes into many areas of the curriculum. It’s not just about kings, queens, rooks, etc - it’s about quadrants and coordinates, thinking strategically and foreseeing consequences. It’s about lines ...
In many situations, it’s better to have your king safely in the corner, where they’re less vulnerable to diagonal attacks. That makes an early castle a potentially appealing move. That said, there may be situations where a number of bishops or even queens exit the game early. In these...
Chess blog for latest chess news and chess trivia (c) Alexandra Kosteniuk, 2013 Hi everyone, Do you love chess in the movies? Can you name the actress and film from the photos below? Hint: It's a French-German movie. From Alexandra Kosteniuk's ...
If you give them a little bit of knowledge and you show them how they could turn ponds into Queens, then they’re freaking out of their mind and they love the game. So I get it. I get the, I get the entrepreneurial thing. Now. I understand why wholesale chess.com made sense and ...
I have even rolled the little pieces of leftover bread into pawns, queens, and all the other pieces I see on the board, so they don’t go to waste. I’ve tried making a chess cake, but with even less success. All of my friends think I am crazy. At least the very few that I...
10.Qxd4 0–0Black could also swap the queens with 10...Qb6!? . After 11.Qxb6 axb6 12.Be3 b5 13.a3 Bc6 White cannot attack the b5, as his bishop is operating on a different diagonal. Even 14.f5 e5= does not distort the balance, either. White is not in time to occupy the...