This is a database of 4,046,380 chess games played online on GameKnot since 2000. Only games between players rated 1600 and above are included in this online chess games database. Unrated games, games that ended by time-out or in less than 10 moves are excluded. It can be used as a...
87654321 ABCDEFGH Notation Equal material Premium | PGN White TITLE ELO NAT 0 - 0 Event Black TITLE ELO NAT Move Games Result Elo Avg. % Players Engine Analysis Click '+' to add engine line Eval Variation Depth Engine
chess chess-game chess-board chess-database Updated Dec 8, 2022 JavaScript thechesslibrary / Star 7 Code Issues Pull requests Searchable database of 900,000+ chess games from several different collections (World Championships, Candidates Tournament, Tata Steel, Titled...
MegaBase 2024 is Chess History in action. Regularly updated every month, the Main Database currently offers 10.6 million games, many of them annotated. Our columnist Nagesh Havanur offers a review with focus on chess in the 21st Century.
Chess Training: Play against humans or the chess program Fritz. Watch training videos and live games. Solve tactical positions and maintain your games and openings.
ChessBase Mobile: The app for on the go - access to your own cloud databases, opening preparations and the ChessBase Online Database with over 12 million games!Recommended: PC Intel Core i7, 2.8 GHz, 8 GB RAM, Windows 10, DirectX10 graphics card (or compatible) with 512 MB RAM or more...
Chess Wizard Online Database Search Games Event: Date:/JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec-/JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Player:versusas whiteas black Elo Range:- Opening:All ECO CodesWhat is ECO? Continuous ECO Codes ...
Scale an online gaming platform cost-effectively by expanding from a private data center into a private cloud platform. Solutions Private Cloud Platforms Google Cloud, RackConnect Global Our customer plays host to more than ten million chess games daily. Dedicated to serving chess playe...
F. Beal. Solving chinese chess endgames by database construction. Information Sciences, 135(3-4):207-228, 2001.R.Wu,D.F.Beal.Solving Chinese chess endgames by database construction. Journal of Information Science . 2001R.Wu,D.F.Beal.Solving Chinese chess endgames by database construction....
Event: Date: /- / Player: Elo Range: - Opening: All ECO Codes What is ECO? Continuous ECO Codes - Single ECO Code Result: White wins Draw Black wins Recently Viewed Games 100 games have been viewed recently. |< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 > >| Event Players Site/Date Openin...