Today I’d like to share with you one of the mostdeadliest chess opening traps for Black against 1.e4. It’s so effective that Black gets a winning position in just 10 moves after the most common moves of White, especially against beginner and intermediate-level players. This trap is fro...
d5 openings (yellow), where d5 may comes as response to a Queen’s pawn opening (1. d4 d5) or to a King’s pawn opening as in the Caro-Kann defense (1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5) Benoni defense (Pink), that comes as response to White playing the Queen’s pawn opening (1. d4 ...
BoardNew in Chess YearbookOpeningOpenings BooksOther 1.e4Other DVDsPlaying ProgramPositional ChessPuzzlesQuality Chess Hard CoverQueen's GambitQueen's PawnRoman LabsShirts & TopssocksSoftwareSubscribe to ChessTournament EquipmentTournamentsToys & GamesvideoWhat's NewWooden BoardsWooden SetWooden Set ...
If White retreats the knight, Black’s bishop gets access to the e4-square. From there it will not only attack the c2-pawn but also defend Black’s king. 17.Nd5!The typical idea in the Sicilian Defense. This move prevents the bishop from appearing on e4 and deprives Black of the …...
He played a very similar setup against Erigaisi as well in later games. This is the top choice of my computer as of writing, so it was perhaps a case of great preparation. In my Chessable course I gave the move 6.Bc4 which is the main line and is doing quite well objectively. I...
Alekhine Defense is the most famous example of a provocative opening. Black meets 1.e4 with 1…Nf6, attacking the central pawn on move 1 and inviting it to move farther. It is well-known pawns cannot go backward and hence leave weaknesses behind themselves. Still, it is quite a common ...
To wrap this up, let me show you one classical game betweenZuckertortagainstAnderssen. They weretwo of the strongestplayers at the time. White started with1.e4and Black responded with the Ruy Lopez ―a very solid defense. In this case, they playedeven more solidby choosing a line where ...
The odds system even became the earliest rating system: amateurs were graded according to what handicap they needed to compete against a master, and were referred to as a "Rook player" or "Pawn and move player", for example, as we would today speak of players by their Elo ratings (e.g...
FOXBOROUGH, Mass. - When players watched film of the carnage atRalph Wilson Stadium, they didn't...Dunne, Tyler
5.3. 3. e4 6. Grünfeld defense 6.1. Grünfeld defense 6.2. System with 7. Bc4 6.3. 7.Nf3 0-0 8. Rb1 6.4. 3 Variations 6. ...c5 7. Bb5 and 6. ... Bg7 7. Bb5 6.5. Variation 7. Nf3 c5 8.Be3 7. Queen's pawn opening 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 ...