I was the topchessplayer on my high school team. I have informally coached in severalchessclubs, especially with beginners and children. I have taughtchessin both English and Spanish. I have a PhD in linguistics, with 40... 5.0(212) ...
I have played the game of chess for over 20 years. The last 5 years I have been working with beginners to learn the game and advanced players to improve their game. I am a member of the U.S Chess Federation, and a member of the... See Walt's full profile 5.0 (571) 50/hour 1...
rounds Swiss 19th-28th August 2003. Timerate: 30 moves / 1½ hours + 1 hour after flag fall. The venue is the Mislata Sports Pavillion, in Calle San Antonio s/n ( San Antonio str.), in front of the Military Hospital. Further details:http://www.facv.org/clubs/mislata/htm/open...
Advice on waiting for a mistake by the opponent (attributed to Steinitz and Tarrasch) C.N. 9894 Advice to beginners CFF 245-246 Advice to a young player KCK 389 Advice in old books ‘Advice on Playing Chess’ feature article Aesthetics ACO 144-145; CFF 9 + C.N.s 5608, 11149 A Ga...
Until this second, while writing this, it never occurred to me that there was no reason to pass the mark to starboard on the uphill side, when the line was hundreds of feet wide and extended away from the mountain at least 300 meters above the valley floor. A last-second dolphin oop-...
Eligible:City Clubs Format:Daily Chess This group was formed to organize the games of the Cities World Cup (CWC). Rule: enjoy the games in a fair play way. European Cities League Eligible:European Cities Clubs Format:Daily Chess Club for all admins who participate in the European Cities Lea...
I was the topchessplayer on my high school team. I have informally coached in severalchessclubs, especially with beginners and children. I have taughtchessin both English and Spanish. I have a PhD in linguistics, with 40... 5.0(222) ...