Whether you are new to chess, or an experienced chess amateur looking for some books to help you improve, this list is for you.The emphasis here is onfundamentals and instructional value- for the improving amateur chess player.These are some of the better books (IMO), elucidating the essenti...
also mentioned that a very good series of books for beginners is the group of "Winning Chess" books written by Yasser Seirawan. I have not read them, but I have heard that they are very good from others, too. I see that I'm starting to get several people reading this blog, so pleas...
1. Planning to Win Quickly The Problem: Many beginners tend to rely on unsound opening traps. Before the internet, the best-selling chess books for beginners usually had the title, ”How to Win Chess Quickly” or some variation of it. However, strong players would know how to counter those...
He also stresses the ideas and methods in opening play, rather than the routine memorizing of variations that takes the joy out of chess for so many beginners. When you have completed this book, you will be able to play chess with pleasure and some ability. Chess For Beginners 2024 pdf ...
Chess Books in PGN format Logical Chess Move by Move – Irving Chernev(pgn) 1001 Winning Chess Sacrifices and Combinations Art of Chess Analysis Art of Positional Play Excelling at Technical Chess Informant’s 100 Golden Games Larsen’s Good Move Guide ...
For Beginners For beginners I recommend: Get “Logical Chess – Move by Move” by Chernevbecause every move is explained here! For Advanced Players I recommend the following chess strategy books for advanced players. There are many other good books around, but the following chess books are highl...
This is where chess books for beginners come in. If you want to improve it is essential to take it seriously: chess is a mental discipline and learning it requires you to study like any other discipline. There are tons of texts out there for those just starting out, so choosing the best...
Interested in learning the best board game known to man? Our buyer’s guide to best chess books has options for beginners and experts alike.
Best Chess Books by Rating Chess Rating: 1200-1400 1)Chess Tactics for Students by John Bain 2)Logical Chess Move by Moveby Irving Chernev 3)Back to Basics: Tactics (ChessCafe Back to Basics Chess) by Dan Heisman 4)Winning Chess Tactics, revised (Winning Chess – Everyman Chess) ...
Books, boards, sets:Chess Niggemann ChessBaseReports about chess: tournaments, championships, portraits, interviews, World Championships, product launches and more. Discuss Rules for reader comments News Reti Opening Powerbook 2025 The Reti Opening Powerbook 2025 has a tree structure based on a mixture...