The Best Electronic Chess Boards: 1.The DGT Revelation II Electronic Chess Board & Computer(3,897$) The DGT Revelation II is a state of the art DGT chess board. This electronic chess board is simply the best that money can buy, and the price certainly reflects that fact. It is for ser...
Last week we shared the announcement of the revival of chess in the New York Times. With no clarification in the NYT article itself, it was assumed this was a weekly contribution. But as we were vigorously disabused, the chess puzzle is a daily fixture i
One of the floorboards of a pontoon bridge. [Middle English ches, tier, perhaps from Old French chasse, frame, from Latin capsa, box.] American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghto...
+ Coaching support on eBoards with LEDs, X for mistakes, + for missed opportunity + eBoard: Lift piece to ignore coach or take back move and follow advice 更多 评分及评论 查看全部 4.8(满分 5 分) 182 个评分 richerchess , 2018/09/24 My Favorite Chess App HIARCS is now my favo...
A personal note before we go: this is my last review column forChess Life, as I will be taking over editorial duties come June 1st. Thanks to Dan Lucas and Melinda Matthews for giving me page space each month to try and do real criticism, something that is a bit of a rarity in toda...
7.CHESS BOARDS: Make sure yourplayers bring their chess boards(or the coaches can bring from school). Kids lose their boards all the time, so we advise you to write the player's name on their personal boards. We recommend BLACK and WHITE chess pieces to avoid issues. ...
After a very long absence from this website (school work and new writing projects), I have decided to get back into blogging. As some of you may have noticed, I started publishing my blog within (publishing chess boards with them is so much easier). This post was published in...
It has been a great tournament overall and we are hoping that we will be able to welcome the players to Dresden again in person in the near future for an over the board tournament. From what we have been told he took is computer to the hospital to be able to continue playing, showing...
Boards constructed from the real thing - Oak, Ash, Marble, Slate and more! Save and load games. Realistic sound effects. Adjustable piece movement animation. Autosaving of your current game. Great for novices but will grow with you and still offer a challenge at Championship level. ...
The Chessnut GO has the same buttons, status lights, and connects using the same software and apps as the existing Chessnut Air, Air+, and PRO boards. I didn’t expect any new problems, but I tested the main functions of the GO nonetheless. Happily, there were no unwelcome surprises. ...