Layout... Flip Board Settings Black to play Start an analysis engine: Try maximizing the board: Use the four cursor keys to replay the game. Make moves to analyse yourself. Press Ctrl-B to rotate the board. Drag the split bars between window panes. ...
by circumnavigating the board, the Bishop can switch colors. The first diagram in the top half, showing the initial layout for a two-player game, also illustrates one possible scheme by which the board could still be chequered so as
Board diagram - a simple diagram showing only a single board position, with no moves attached. Chess problem group - a section to hold a number of chess problems in a structure which formats all the problems as a group. Chess problem - a move list describing a Chess problem that can be...
As on a hexagonal board the King's diagonal move lets it cross Rook lines, I had wondered how difficult it would be to achieve checkmate in this game. However, my worries were largely groundless. This point is addressed in Gliński's bookFirst Theories of Hexagonal Chess; King and Rook ag...
The Chess Board may be discovered to have a common center, which can be located at the point of intersection of diagonals constructed from the four corners of the board. This is true also of the Masonic Pavement[XII]. In a manner identical to that used in the layout of the Masonic Pavem...
Layout... Flip Board Settings Golubev, Mikhail24891–0Sumets, Andrey2620 EuromaidanOdessa blitz Odessa UKR20.01.2014[Golubev] 1.e4e52.Nf3Nc63.d4exd44.Nxd4Bb4+5.c3Be76.Nf5Bf67.Ne3d68.Be2g69.0-0Bg710.Nd5Nf611.Nxf6+Qxf612.f40-013.Be3Re814.Nd2b615.Qa4Bb716.Rae1a617.Bf3b518.Qc...
There are 15,120 different legal starting positions in Modern Random Chess, one of which is Maura's Modern Chess initial layout. If Maura's original Modern Chess position (MRC position #6,944) was randomly selected, it can be played with the rules for Modern Random Chess, just like the ...
What could be simpler than this? You look at and memorize a board layout, then recreate it. Start off easy with just a few pieces and work your way up. Analyze Your Games Download your and games for opening analysis. See what you've been playing, what's been pl...
Try to visualize without a physical board from move one and once you reach a diagram pause and see if your mind’s image matches the one in the diagram. If not, then memorize the diagram and then do the same for a further set o...
Track a sequence of moves and then update the board to that point. Follow a game from the beginning, some random location within a game or specify the number of pieces you want to follow. Static Boards What could be simpler than this? You look at and memorize a board layout, then recre...