If you’re up for a vibrant andaggressive game, the Scotch Opening is your best bet. It is a fantastic e4 chess opening for white, particularly popular among intermediate players for its dynamic playstyle andtactical richness. After 3.d4, the main continuation is3…exd4 (Scotch Game after...
Source Link:https://thechessworld.com/articles/openings/chess-statistics-top-10-best-openings-for-white-and-black/
White controls the central square on d5. Both the English Opening and the Reti Opening are called flank openings because a central pawn is not developed at the start, but a pawn or a piece is on one of the flanks. The Grand Master Mikhail Botvinnik, also known as the father of the So...
Openingis ECO codeis(ECO help) Resultis withkibitzingwithannotation Black to play Csom vs R Fuchs 31. ...? See game for solution. White to play G Zaichik vs J Siekanski 16. ? See game for solution. Bonus Puzzle About our puzzles ...
This game from their world championship match in 1985 demonstrates Kasparov at his very best, offering a pawn sac in the opening, establishing a tremendous knight on d3, clamping down with 21...g5!! and always performing crisp calculation and tactics. ...
It is hard to single out the best opening trap in chess. That said, traps that leave you with a solid position even if your opponent does not fall for them are very solid. How do you stop chess opening traps? The best way to stop opening traps is to always ask yourself what your ...
Gyula Breyer, one of the Hypermoderns, summed up their approach when he joked, “After the first move 1 e4 White’s game is in the last throes.” At the heart of Hypermodernism was a new approach to the opening. The two leading members of the new school, Réti and Nimzowitsch, ...
opening moves. However, if the use of computers is extended to finding the best moves in the middlegame or endgame, postal chess becomes computer chess. The International Correspondence Chess Federation said in 1993 that “the existence of chess computers is a reality and for correspondence chess...
the result is inevitable against correct play. The queen’s pawn opening is certainly very strong for White, as indeed are many other openings. But the philosophy which induces a player with the black pieces to hope to win with moves which it is impossible to conceive are the best available...
1. White controls the centre, develops quickly and castles. He DOES NOT strive for a direct clash with the opponent after the first few moves in the opening. 2. White begins active operations only after the completion of our development; as a rule, these will take place in the centre and...