Live Chess Ratings for players with Elo ratings of 2700. You may review the latest games played by top players, download their games (PGN), follow big chess tournaments, and get a widget for Top 10 chess players in the world. Also included are FIDE blitz
- the Alkaloid team in the Macedonian League 2013. Every chart point has info (FIDE Rating, Date, Rank, Age). Click on the chart to compare the player with any other top player. Your browser does not support charts× Please wait......
Interesting is the comparion with a list from 2008 where there were no 2800+ players, 2700 meant you are on the verge of top 20, while 2627 guaranteed you a spot in top 100.Statistically, the average rating of the top 100 players grows to the psychological 2700 barrier. That means that...
Cross-platform and online battle platform game based on Qt: Chinese Chess. Also known as:『Xiangqi』『中国象棋』 - ChineseChess/ChessBoard.cpp at master · Chenry-GitHub/ChineseChess
2500-2700 most Grandmasters (GM) 2400-2500 most International Masters (IM) and some Grandmasters (GM) 2300-2400 FIDE Masters (FM) 2200-2300 FIDE Candidate Masters (CM), most national masters 2000-2200 candidate masters, experts (USA) 1800-2000 Class A, category 1 1600-1800 Class B, cate...
Nakamura's highest ranking as a Junior (U20) was #3 in April 2004 and 2005. He first broke into the world's top 100 in October 2004 when he was still 16 years old, and has remained in the top 100 continuously since that time. He reached the world's top 10 in January 2011, and...
In my case, I am close to 100 ELO stronger in rapid chess, which was obtained in having good success in most recent top level Rapid tournaments. Do you agree it is a good idea to have different chess ratings for classical, rapid and blitz chess? Please write your opinion in the ...
he gained his IM title and in 2001 he won his GM at the age of 17 before entering the world's top 100, where he has remained. In 2002, his rating rose above 2600, and in 2008, it rose above 2700 where it has remained. For more than five years, he has topped the rankings in ...
In casual conversations quite a few 2700+ players admitted having visited our website, so six may be the accurate figure. Four more said their highest prize was between $50k and $100k. In 2010Natalia Pogoninapenned an optimistic article about the possible sources of income of a person working...
Every chart point has info (FIDE Rating, Date, Rank, Age). Click on the chart to compare the player with any other top player. Your browser does not support charts× Please wait... Games #White PlayerRatingBlack PlayerRatingResultMovesSiteDate ...