Watershed management optimizationExtensive efforts to adaptively manage nutrient pollution rely on Chesapeake Bay Program's (Phase 6) Watershed Model, called Chesapeake Assessment Scenario Tool (CAST), which helps decision-makers plan and track implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs). We ...
The Chesapeake Bay Partnership (CBP) has cooperatively developed theChesapeake Assessment Scenario Tool (CAST), the online version of the Chesapeake Bay model. The CAST model estimates nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment loads, which source sectors they come from, and where that pollution enters local...
Fiedel’s reconstruction of Proto-Algonquian and his use of glottochronology are by no means universally accepted. This is partly due to processual archaeologists’ general distaste for migration as an explanatory tool (Cobb2005, p. 565), though other serious questions do arise. Stone tool technol...
was performed to determine the most economical direction for the City to include within their WIP, by evaluating the potential impacts and associated costs of various BMPs within the City in relation to the Chesapeake Bay TMDL, using the publicly available Virginia Assessment Scenario Tool (VAST)....
Changes in land cover throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed, accompanied by variability in climate patterns, can impact runoff and water quality. A study was conducted using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) for the James River watershed in Virginia, the southernmost tributary of the Che...
In the scenario with the mixing process driven by the observed winds and the reaeration process driven by the NARR winds, DO time series at both stations were similar to that under the observed winds (Figure 9), which indicated that the difference of two wind sources was primarily ...