OMG!!莉莉Liam Payne和Cheryl分手了!!在同时在推上发布声明:我们很伤心的宣布,我们即将分开,这对我们来说是个艰难的决定,作为家庭我们依然会爱彼此,Bear将是我们的全部,也请大家尊重他的隐私,因为我们一起走过这段路。 两人在一起两年半,并在去年三月生了他们的第一个孩子。 û收藏 19 ...
Liam Payne|小破团莉莉与女友Cheryl宣布分手,一年前刚刚当父母 “莉莉”Liam Payne和Cheryl分手了。双方已经在各自的推上发表了声明,两年半的恋情至此宣告结束。谢丽尔和我很遗憾地宣布我们要分手了。这对我们来说是一个艰难的决定。我们仍然深爱着彼此,但是是以家人的形式。Bear是我们的全部,在我们分手的过程中...
“[Liam is] much softer than me. But it is what it is, and I’m OK about it,” she said in an interview withThe Telegraph. “When you have a baby, you are not consumed with just thinking about yourself. It’s your responsibility to keep things settled and happy, so you make th...
帅炸天!莉莉Liam Payne和女友Cheryl以及歌迷最新自拍美图曝光!莉莉这几天颜值达到巅峰了~~果然瘦长才是王道!![色][酷]
Friends, family and collaborators have expressed shock and sadness over the death of former One Direction singer Liam Payne, who has died in Buenos Aires, Argentina at age 31.
If their Instagram selfies and smiley public appearances hadn’t already clued you in, Cheryl and Liam Payne are really, really happy together. So happy, in fact, that a source close to Liam is claiming that Chez sees the two of them going the distance,
The story of Liam Payne and Cheryl Cole's romance began when he was just 14 and auditioning for what he'd call "one of the biggest music shows in the world." While his stab at solo stardom ended when he was cut during The X Factor's Judges' Houses round, the moment was certainly ...
Liam Payne and Cheryl Cole announced their split on Sunday, July 1, after more than two years together. Related: Celebrity Splits of 2018 “Cheryl and I are sad to announce that we are going our separate ways,” the former One Direction singer, 24, wrote in a tweet on Sunday. ...
2017年组合One Direction 23岁成员利亚姆-佩恩(Liam Payne)与33岁女友谢丽尔-费尔南德兹-维西尼(Cheryl Cole)于母亲节前夕宣布当父母喜讯,于周三(22日)于伦敦Chelsea and Westminster医院顺利诞下儿子,一直都封口拒谈有喜的Cheryl公布喜讯,宣布同Liam在3月22日(周三)荣升父母,宝宝美丽又健康,重7磅9(约7...