At an earlier period the cherubim were the living chariot of the theophanic God, possibly identical with the storm-winds (Ps. xviii. 11; II Sam. xxii. 11: "And he rode upon a cherub and did fly: and he was seen upon the wings of the wind "). Here is a conception similar to ...
But there beamed a smile So fixed, so holy, from that cherub brow, Death gazed"and left it there. ... /.../philips/the christian home/chapter xxvi the bereavements of.htm Our Lord's Prayer for his People's Sanctification ... His love hath wings as well as feet: it is true of ...
It was planned as a grand goodbye, the Smashing Pumpkins reuniting with Chamberlin (who didn't play onAdore) for one final LP and tour. Like most things in this band's world,Machina/The Machines of Goddidn't turn out as planned: Bassist D'arcy Wretzsky left early on in the project, ...