The CHERRY STREAM DESKTOP is a versatile addition to your workspace – it is solid, resilient, adaptable, durable and stylish.
The CHERRY STREAM DESKTOP RECHARGE utilises NiMH rechargeable batteries which will last for months on a single charge. Afterwards, you can conveniently recharge the keyboard and mouse via USB-C while you continue to work undisturbed. The set can also be completely switched off to help preserve ba...
CHERRY STREAM KEYBOARD THE KEYBOARD – the best STREAM of all time! More info CHERRY STREAM DESKTOP RECHARGE The best STREAM ever as a wireless premium version with charging function. More info CHERRY STREAM DESKTOP The best STREAM ever - now with wireless freedom and mouse More info CHERRY...
Mechanical 96% keyboard with CHERRY MX Low Profile 2.0 switches More info CHERRY KC 500 MX LP Mechanical low-profile keyboard in a slim design More info CHERRY KW 300 MX Compact hot-swap keyboard with sound-proofed housing More info CHERRY STREAM DESKTOP COMFORT The wireless desktop set...
The Stream Desktop Combo features wireless connectivity and the choice to choose either a black color scheme or a white color scheme!
天猫商城该商品(具体规格:STREAM KEYBOARD 【黑色】★掌柜推荐_官方标配)参加满45减20元优惠券的促销活动,当前到手价169.00元,降价前售价为179.00元,本次降幅6%,与上次爆料价相等。喜欢的值友们不要错过~ 简明购买步骤 1 领券 满45减20元优惠券 2 加购 当前商品1件 3 下单 实付169元...
CHERRY樱桃STREAM有线键盘商务办公打字专用静音电竞游戏BC20 STREAM KEYBOARD有线键盘 黑色 官方标配 108键图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Cherry Americas, part of the global leader in computer input devices, today announced the launch of the CHERRY STREAM DESKTOP RECHARGE wireless keyboard and mouse combo. The high-quality wireless keyboard and mouse combination utilizes NiMH rechargeable batteries which will last for months on a...
参数:轴体名称:无 颜色分类:Gentix desktop无线键鼠套装【黑色】 是否无线:否 套餐类型:官方标配查看更多 用户评价 参数信息 图文详情 本店推荐 用户评价 艾**亦 1年前 · 官方标配 / 有线键盘【STREAM】白色 / 无 此用户没有填写评价。 t**9 1年前 · 官方标配 / KEYBOARD有线键盘+MC1000有线鼠标·...