其中一个例子是切罗基族人(Cherokee Nation),2001年他们在官方网站登出了一个感恩节祷告,来自一名最近过世的国家雇员。“…chinese.christianpost.com|基于19个网页 2. 切诺基部落 ...她甚至从不知道她的名字,也不知道她是在俄克拉何马州切诺基部落(Cherokee Nation)的印地安保留地上长大的一名纯血统美洲 …blog.sin...
Cherokee Nation, State of Oklahoma Tentatively Agree to Motor Vehicle Compact Following Months of Negotiations Tribal leaders honor Cherokee citizens for foundational work leading to historic trust settlement with U.S. Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. and Deputy Chief Bryan Warner joined...
They took the whole Cherokee nation And stuck 'em out on a reservation Took away our native tongue And taught their English to our young Cherokee people Cherokee tribe So proud to live so proud to die They took the whole Cherokee nation Stuck 'em out on a reservation Took away...
Cherokee Nation: A History of Survival, Self Determination, and Identity Bob Blackburn, Duane King & Neil Morton: Cherokee Nation: A History of Survival, Self Determination, and Identity Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., has apologized to Cherokee Nation after releasing DNA test results in October indica...
必应词典为您提供The-Cherokee-Nation的释义,网络释义: 彻罗基部落;柴罗基民族;
The Cherokee Nation彻罗基部落 Long before the white man came to the America, the land belonged to the American Indian nations.在白人到来之前的很长一段时间里,美洲这片土地是属于美洲印第安部落的。The nation of the Cherokees lived in What is now the southeastern part of the United States.彻...
从最了解Cherokee Nation的人们那里找出Cherokee Nation有哪些优势。获取有关职位、薪资、热门工作地点和首席执行官见解等内幕消息。比较热门角色的薪资并了解团队的工作与生活平衡。了解为什么Cherokee Nation是最适合您的公司。
Cherokee Nation (1794–1907)
CNE 英文全称Cherokee Nation Enterprises 中文解释切诺基国家公司 缩写分类机构组织,经济管理 LAH氢化铝锂(LiAlH4) LDA二异丙基氨基锂 dba苄叉丙酮 DBE1,2-二溴乙烷 DBN二环[5.4.0]-1,8-二氮-7-壬 mCPBA间氯过苯酸 DBU二环[4.3.0]-1,5-二氮-5-十一烯 ...
Oklahoma and has been highly involved in Cherokee Nation affairs. She served as senior policy advisor for Native American affairs in the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama. Teehee’s work led to an Executive Order ...