Untold: Swamp Kings MIniseries Top 5 latest news Best TV Shows of All Time (and Where to Watch Them) The Scott Pilgrim Anime Series Gets An Official Title, A New Teaser, And A Release Date What to Watch This Week: The 10 Most Popular TV Shows Streaming in The United States What T...
Chernobyl: Created by Craig Mazin. With Jessie Buckley, Jared Harris, Stellan Skarsgård, Adam Nagaitis. In April 1986, the city of Chernobyl in the Soviet Union suffers one of the worst nuclear disasters in the history of mankind. Consequently, many h
Chernobyl: Directed by Danila Kozlovsky. With Danila Kozlovsky, Oksana Akinshina, Filipp Avdeev, Ravshana Kurkova. A story about a heroic fireman who worked as one of Chernobyl liquidators.
HBO’s five-part miniseries about the 1986 nuclear disaster, have loved the show — calling it one of the most intense and scariest series in years. And that feedback has been borne out over onIMDb, where this most un-crowdpleasing show has become the highest-rating...
There is no getting around this fact about HBO and Sky TV’s five-part miniseries, Chernobyl: It’s very difficult to watch. (HBO snuck the first two episodes Friday night at the Tribeca Film Festival.) Initially, the factually accurate retelling of the worst nuclear reactor disaster in his...
Damien M., Switzerland —Wow, absolutely mesmerizing. Thank you for this beautiful film!Stalkeris one of my all-time favorite films. This also resonates strongly with the excellent English miniseries about the Chernobyl accident. Fereydoun B., Iran —Thank you very much for the film. I watche...
What has been done to the RBMK reactors since the event? The miniseries epilogue notes that the reactors were “retrofitted to prevent an accident like Chernobyl from happening again.” The IAEA confirms that upgrades were made to all RBMK units to correct the issues that existed, improve shut...
Watch O’Brien’s remarks on CBS below: O'Brien: "This was a virus that was unleashed by China. There was a cover-up that someday they're going to do an HBO show like they did with Chernobyl."pic.twitter.com/KWCXgTVU7p — Talking Points Memo (@TPM)May 24, 2020 ...
Much like radioactive material, HBO's Chernobyl miniseries knows no borders. The surprise hit, which recently became the highest-rated show in history on IMDB, is introducing the 1986 disaster to a generation that grew up after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and showing those who lived thr...
Vichnaya Pamyat: Directed by Johan Renck. With Douggie McMeekin, Jamie Sives, Michael Socha, Adam Nagaitis. Valery, Boris and Ulana risk their lives and reputations to expose the truth about Chernobyl.