She met fellow law student Tony Blair in May 1976, both competing for the post of intern at a barrister's chamber. Initially dismissing him as a lightweight ex-public schoolboy, her romantic interest was awakened at the chambers' Christmas party that year. They married in March 1980. ...
The article presents the views of barrister Cherie Blair of barristers' set Matrix Chambers related to law. She states that she was brought up by a single parent and would not have become a barrister if legal aid was not there. She highlights that working-class law graduates should become fl...
I really started to fall for her when we joined the same barristers' chambers. She stood out from the crowd. We used to go to the pub at lunchtime, but Cherie would stay in the library with her sandwiches, working away. She came top of the national Bar exams, so she obviously knew...
2013年由切丽·布莱尔(Cherie Blair)、作家乔安娜·特罗洛普(Joanna Trollope)和伊丽莎白·布坎(Elizabeth Buchan)等人提供私人赞助,2014年至2017年则由酒类集团帝亚吉欧(Diageo)旗下的酒类品牌Baileys Irish Cream赞助,并更名为“百利女性小说奖”(Baileys Women’s Prize for Fiction)。2018年开始,该奖项正式更名为“女性...
On 29 March 1980, Tony Blair and Cherie Booth were married at St John's College, Oxford. The couple met in 1976 when they were both employed as trainee barristers at Derry Irvine's chambers. Initially rivals, they got engaged in 1979 while on holiday in Italy. Tony was 26 and Cherie ...
Byline: By DANIEL DAVIES Western MailWestern Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
Byline: GRAEME WILSON;JO BUTLERWilson, GraemeButler, Jo
Walking from Euston, en route to the legal eagles' lair of Gray's Inn, where I was to meet our national newspapers' favourite whipping girl in my lady's chambers, I felt it advisable to hide my copy of her autobiography. And it isn't just the always ever-so-angry and disapproving ...
On 29 March 1980, Tony Blair and Cherie Booth were married at St John's College, Oxford. The couple met in 1976 when they were both employed as trainee barristers at Derry Irvine's chambers. Initially rivals, they got engaged in 1979 while on holiday in Italy. Tony was 26 and Cherie ...