If a bank noticesa post-dated cheque presented for payment before the date appearing thereon, the cheque will be returned marked post-dated or the bank will hold on to the cheque until it is able to be cashed in. Thegreatest dangerlies in the banker paying a post-dated cheque and subsequ...
A bearer cheque can be collected by the bank for the credit of anyone's account. In banking practice, the need for the encasher's signature on the back of the cheque is merely to evidence that the encasher has received the money from the bank. What is an Order Cheque? This is a ch...
Cheques which have been dishonoured will be returned to the accountholder. The issuer of the cheque will be charged a fee by his bank to recover part of the administrative cost incurred. Reprinted with permission from BankingInfo (A Consumer Education Programme by Bank Negara Malaysia)...