1. This cheque is payable to the bearer, ie to the person who presents it at a bank. 本支票可兑付给持票人。签名的笔迹不对会使支票无效。 2. I enclose a cheque for$10 with apolo- gies for the delay in answering your letter.
1.(Banking & Finance) a bill of exchange drawn on a bank by the holder of a current account; payable into a bank account, if crossed, or on demand, if uncrossed 2.(Agriculture)AustralandNZthe total sum of money received for contract work or a crop ...
10 、His cheque be postdate to june .───他的支票日期填迟到了六月份。 11 、Have you got your cheque book with you?───您的支票本带来了没有? 12 、I signed on each cheque when they were purchased.───我买的时候都签了名。 13 、I cashed a cheque at the bank this morning.──...
If the ” stop payment” letter is given by payee to his bank without mentioning date,drawer name, or amount of the cheque and reason for stop payment.of that particular cheque.what is the legal deficiency in that letter if bank stops the payment onthe basis of above mentioned letter. Rep...
bank check check cheque personal check References in classic literature ? The object of his visit was to obtain from her her personal cheque for a large sum in return for a guarantee of her personal safety and return to England. View in context Testifying as the sixth witness for the 1Malay...
During his testimony, Liotatis handed over as evidence, copies of transfers between his bank account and that of a businessman -- who was acting on behalf of Wadnic -- and the cashier's cheques and cash he and his assistant Yiannis Ioannou had handed over. 'Political party received half...
領取支票簿授權書 Authorization Letter for Collecting Cheque Book 致: To : 創興銀行有限公司 Chong Hing Bank Limited 項目: Subject: 往來賬戶號碼 Current Account No. ___ 本人 / 吾等現授權以下人士代表本人 / 吾等領取本人 / 吾等支票簿. I / We hereby authorize the person named below to collect...
bank (this is the bank name that is pre-printed on the check) Cash a check at a retailer that cashes checks (discount department store, grocery stores, etc.) Here are a few benefits to consider: Depending on how often you find yourself needing to cash a check and access your money, ...
If you discover that your credit card, cheque book, debit card or cash card is missing, telephone the credit card company or bank as soon as possible. Follow this up with a letter. If you suspect thef
A woman said that she was being pushed around for more than 42 days before she finally received her cheque. She was relieved, but when the woman arrived at the bank to encash the cheque, it was rejected. “They told me that it was invalid, and I said that it bounce so I ca...