starting from January 11 which is a Saturday. While trains and long distance buses, both private and government, have already been fully booked in advance for the long Pongal holidays, the highways leading out of Chennai to various places in the State and also neighbouring States would be witn...
Day 1: Chennai to Delhi and Delhi Airport to Agra Board a flight to Delhi from Chennai (suggestible morning flight) and upon your arrival at Delhi Airport you will be received and greeted by our chauffeur who will help you to board the cab. The distance between Delhi and Agra is about ...
Today on we drive to Pondicherry at a distance of (90/02 hrs). Check in to the hotel and proceed for a half day city tour to Aurobindo Ashram, you will be transported to a world of bliss and peace. Here the day starts with meditation and visitors are allowed to take a look of Sri...