KOVID SPL runs between Warud Orange Ct Railway Station and Chennai Central Railway Station. Regarding KOVID SPL timings, this train departs at 07:15 PM from the source station to arrive at the destination station at 11:25 PM . Total duration of the train from Warud Orange Ct Railway Station...
3. KPD Katpadi Junction 232.0 08:58 09:00 2 min S M T W T F S 4. MAS Chennai Central 362.0 11:00 - S M T W T F S Bangalore - Chennai Shatabdi (Bengaluru City Junction to Chennai Central) train fare chart The following fare chart is displaying the price of CC, Ex class(es...
Visakhapatnam-Chennai Central-Visakhapatnam special express: Train No. 02007 Visakhapatnam-Chennai Central special express will leave Visakhapatnam on Friday at 7:05 PM, with effect from 15 January. It will reach Chennai Central on the next day at 7:40 AM. In the return direction, train No. 02...