© 1958 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg About this chapter Cite this chapter Schütz, E. (1958). Die normalen und pathologischen Abweichungen von Erregungsdauer, Erregungsbildung und Erregungsleitung. In: Physiologie des Herzens. Lehrbuch der Physiologie. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https:...
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NORM UND NORMABWEICHUNGEN VON NETZHAUTMITTE UND PAPILLE IM OPHTHALMOSKOPISCHEN BILD BEIM 5–6JÄHRIGEN KINDECopyright: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be translated into other languages, reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, ...
Since the well known phenomena of the residue and the pulsating tone were present in the model, it is possible to discuss the question whether they are of mechanical or of pure nervous origin.von Békésy, G.Acta Acustica united with Acustica...
1.《捣练子·春梦杳》清朝·侯承恩春梦杳,晚秋凉。零落芙蕖尚有香。人远天涯红日近,断魂无语立斜阳。 侯承恩简介 【介绍】: 清江苏嘉定人,字孝仪,号思谷。江东益妻。早慧。工诗词,善弈,通琴理。有《盆山词钞》、《松筠小草》。
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Verfahren zur Anpassung von realisierungsversions-spezifischen Abweichungen von Komponenten eines KommunikationsnetzesComponents (RNT, BS) at the communication terminal side of a communication network (KN) transmit a version identification (vi) which shows their actual version (V2, 3) to the ...
The rotational speed of the earth in a reference measure tied to the aircraft is measured by means of the assembly of gyrometers. The calculated and measured earth rotational speeds are subtracted to obtain the estimated gyrometric bias.NACCACHE, FREDERIC...
device for current measurement of the raeumlichen winkelabweichungen of grosslochbohrmaschinen from the respective direction of advanceHUEPPE FRIEDRICHJORDAN DR-ING HEINZ